Questo corso è designato per gli insegnanti delle scuole secondarie che insegnano la loro materia in Inglese, per aggiornare e migliorare le proprie competenze, esaminando la metodologia CLIL, infine un'ottima opportunità per confrontarsi con i colleghi provenienti da diverse nazioni.

La LSI di Portsmouth offre un programma di 22.5 ore a settimana di preparazione alla metodologia CLIL.

What are the course objectives?

For participants to be able to:
• understand and discuss the main principles of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) within the context of their teaching
• increase their ability to plan, teach and assess learners’ progress in CLIL lessons
• refresh and develop their own language and levels of fluency, accuracy and confidence when teaching in English
• improve instructional and language terminology required when teaching subjects in English
• utilise a wider range of published CLIL and authentic resources
• apply CLIL methodology to their own teaching situations and develop classroom activities and collaborative tasks with teachers of other subjects

What is the course content?

This teacher training course is designed to improve the theoretical and practical skills of non-native teachers delivering secondary school subject classes in English (CLIL).
The needs of the teachers on a particular course can be different so how much time is dedicated to each area may vary according to the group’s needs.
These can include:

• CLIL: background & key principles
• evidence based teaching & CLIL
• the 4 C’s
• cognitive skills: LOTS and HOTS
• visual and graphic organisers
• subject language and vocabulary development
• classroom management skills; language for the classroom
• feedback and correction
• assessment
• cross-curricular teaching
• task based learning and materials development
• published and online resources


Fra le caratteristiche del corso:

  • N. studenti: max 10 per classe
  • N. lezioni: 22.5 ore di lezione a settimana
  • Età: minimo 20 anni
  • Livello: da Elementary
  • Durata: minimo 1 o 2 settimane
  • Inizio corsi: 27/01/20 - 15/06/20 - 13/07/20 - 17/08/20 - 12/10/20 

Prezzi Corso (in sterline)  2020


Prezzo per settimana


£460 per 1 settimana
£900 per 2 settimane

Info scuola Info generali Sistemazioni Termini e condizioni



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